速報APP / 財經 / Highlands Residential Mortgage

Highlands Residential Mortgage



檔案大小:40 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.4 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Highlands Residential Mortgage(圖1)-速報App

"Highlands Residential Mortgage - Your Family. Your Future. Our Focus.

Securing a home loan can seem overwhelming, but Highlands Residential Mortgage is committed to making the process as smooth as possible. The Highlands Residential Mortgage app was designed to simplify the loan process for you! This app is built for anyone looking to apply for a mortgage loan (purchase, rate-term refinance, or cash-out refinance), a realtor partner wanting to collaborate on the mortgage loan process and better support their clients, and our own loan officers to provide timely and effective support to our clients.

Please note: This app is specifically designed for the origination loan process and does not include first payment or loan servicing features.

Key Features:

Highlands Residential Mortgage(圖2)-速報App

• Easy access to contact information for your Highlands Loan Officer and Real Estate Agent. (You can also share this contact info direct from the app to your friends and family if they need a referral!)

• Dynamic loan calculators allow you to see if homeownership is an affordable option for you (based on your income and monthly expenses) or the possible savings refinancing your current mortgage could generate!

• Compare different lending scenarios using various loan programs to help determine which product is the best for you.

• Loan paperwork? Use the app to scan in and upload the required supporting documents from your phone – this will help expedite the loan approval process!

Highlands Residential Mortgage(圖3)-速報App

• Get live updates on your loan progress so you don’t have to wonder.

The calculations provided by the Highlands Residential Mortgage app are useful in giving you an idea of what homeownership or refinancing might mean for you. However, please be sure to contact your Highlands Residential Mortgage Loan Officer for a customized solution tailored to your specific financial situation, needs, and goals.

Your Loan Officer can also assist you with any questions you have about your loan and the loan approval process.

Thank you for trusting Highlands Residential Mortgage with your business!

Highlands Residential Mortgage(圖4)-速報App


Highlands Residential Mortgage(圖5)-速報App
